Sunday, 13 September 2015

Dairy free days...

Sorry for the radio silence again... It's been pretty tough going for Little T of late, but the experts think they might have got to the bottom of it... a dairy and soya allergy! It probably hasn't helped that all the little guy has been living off is his formula milk (which has dairy in it!) and yoghurt...

So now we are back to square one. Onto a new prescribed formula and quickly getting up to speed on the oh so many things Little T should avoid. I'm thinking of having some dairy free days myself so that I can really get a grip on things... Although I can't say I won't have a square of chocolate or two once Little T is in bed...  

Does anyone have any tips for us? I found this BBC article really informative and we are off to see a dietician next week. 

We are really hoping this is the answer and I'm pleased to say that a lot of babies apparently grow out of allergies by age 5, but in the meantime... I'm all over the dairy free section of Waitrose! 

Friday, 24 July 2015

On a roll...

Sorry it's been a little while, but it has all been getting very exciting/busy getting my new business venture Nurturing Mums back up and running!  Suffice to say that I have been on a roll, but so has Little T!  The little man has been roly-polying left, right and centre. At first, I thought 'Oh my goodness - this is awesome', but I soon realised that your little one being on the move makes things all the more tricky.
At first, Little T was like a turtle on the wrong side of his shell who couldn't roll back...  'Wah, wah, wah' he wailed, until I would go and roll him onto his back again!
He soon realised that rolling was super fun.  So fun, that he could roll a couple of times in one direction, especially when in his cot.  This meant he got wedged in the bars, face planted regularly and woke up LOTS in the night to have a rolling rave.  We kept finding him having done a 180' in order to play with his toys... far more entertaining than sleeping obviously!

At first I thought, 'what a clever chap!', but then night after night of his adventures were causing him to wake himself up and cry with frustration!  After what felt like an eternity *5 nights* of broken sleep, Daddy H and I went in search of a solution...

I think we were hopeful he would just stop doing it!  We spoke to friends and heard about the 'Sleepyhead' -->

It's a comfy pod that has sides that should prevent your baby being able to roll about too much and keeps them nice and snug.  It has rave reviews and friends who have it love it. Daddy H wasn't a fan of the price tag, but I was getting pretty desperate for full night's sleep...  Before he let me hit 'Buy' online in desperation at 4am one night, we decided to give a cheaper alternative a go.  We put rolled up towels in a similar curved shape to the Sleepyhead under Little T's sheets and couldn't believe it when it worked - he was cocooned in and started sleeping through again - hip hip hooray!

Have you found anything else helpful to get your little one to stop moving so much in their sleep?

Friday, 3 July 2015

A new adventure...

Sorry it's all been a bit quiet on the blog front of late... I've been busy behind the scenes planning my next adventure. And no... I don't mean another holiday... Although I am writing this from the Sourh of France...

When I was pregnant with Little T, I got loads of antenatal advice, but now he's here, I'm forever reading books, googling and chatting to friends about what I should or should not be doing as a new mum. Problem is, my friends are all new mums too and in truth, what works for one baby may well not work for Little T, who is quite a particular chap!  What I needed was someone with experience and expertise on how to get him to nap in the day, eat more solid food and explain what milestones are next.  This got me thinking that maybe I'm not the only one who is clueless and that attending some postnatal classes might be the answer! I went one step further and decided to buy a postnatal business - Nurturing Mums ( 

Nurturing Mums courses are for mums with babies up to 9 months, where new mums can come and meet other mums and learn from experts on sleep training, weaning, first aid and baby development. The courses run for 5 weeks and start in North London in September.
They are relaxed and non-judgemental and give new mums an opportunity to get answers from experts about issues affecting their baby.

I'll keep you updated on this exciting new venture and if you know anyone due or with a new baby, get them to check out Nurturing Mums - my newest baby (sorry Little T)! 

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Father's Day Guest Blog from Daddy H...

Hello all! I am Daddy H and can I start by saying what an honour it is to be That’s My Mummy’s first guest blogger just in time for Father's Day!

I’ve spent a couple of days wondering about what I should write about. There appears to be a plethora of “daddy blogs” that have sprung up over recent years, and to be honest, I hadn’t really heard of any of them. It still seems as though the role of being a dad (despite having change dramatically) still remains shrouded in mystery. So I sat down and read through a couple of those which have received widespread acclaim, including one by Tom of “Diary of the Dad” ( It was great to see that Tom, along with most other new dads, had shared several of the same experiences as me – a relief to think I’m not doing anything particularly wrong!

So, now I have a little more confidence in my ability as having “successfully” negotiated the first six months of fatherhood (mainly due to the exceptional work of Mummy H), I settled upon celebrating reaching this milestone and all the good things that have gone on. 

Little T’s Achievements

The little guy has had so many (as one might expect when pretty much everything is new!) that I won’t list them here. Many of the activities would no doubt be mundane to most passers-by, but to a new parent they are like scaling Everest or locating the lost city of Atlantis (e.g. the first sleep through the night)! However, some of the most heart-warming have included seeing Little T smile for the first time, and laugh for the first time at ridiculously silly noises we make to try and keep him entertained. The older he has got (seems ridiculous given he is only 6 months) the more frequent these moments have been, and as we enter the second half the year it seems so much more is still to come - he has just learnt how to roll which has required the camera being kept out constantly!

Mummy and Daddy

Although becoming a parent is a massive game-changer, it’s not “the end of the world” as some might have you believe. Mummy H and I have actively tried to ensure that we keep time for ourselves, to do things that we did before Little T was on the scene. Some of these he has been able to attend, such as dinners out or weekend trips away, while other times we have been lucky enough to have the support of friends and family to do the occasional bit of babysitting! Having Little T has confirmed to me just how lucky I am to have Mummy H, while also making me proud to see our own small family unit flourish - it really is difficult to think of a time before Little T (until we an old holiday picture crops up on Facebook with two drinks in hand)!


While it can will initially it can lead you to feeling tried and exhausted, leaving very little enthusiasm for seeing friends/visitors, never underestimate what seeing a familiar face can have. We have been lucky enough to have a constant stream of people offering to help and support us, which has been invaluable. It has actually brought most of our friends closer to us, despite some concerns it might do the opposite (who wants to hang out with a crying baby??). For me it has cemented some friendships which I hope will now last a lifetime - and some of these have only recently come about as a result of having Little T. Attending a pre-natal course (with some like-minded people) presented the chance to get to know fellow first time dads in the area, and while our communication is not as frequent nor as entertaining as the mums’ (who still see each other almost every day) it is still another network that you always feel you could ask if you need some advice (or a escapist pint). 

What’s next?

Overall, the journey so far has been incredible. Being a dad is one of, if not, the most important job of your life.  Something incredible happens the moment you first hold your baby. All reservations and hesitations you may have felt about this life changing moment simply fall away. You know, in that moment, that your life has changed, but for the better and in a way you did not think possible. I can't wait for the adventure to continue!

Friday, 12 June 2015

How to go on holiday.... and actually have a holiday!

Well, Little T is quite the jetsetter...  following our jaunt to Dubai, I am writing this post overlooking the tumbling Tuscan hills.   A lot of new parents shy away from going abroad in the first year, as you worry that taking babies out of their familiar surroundings will mess with their routine and upset their sleeping patterns.  However, Little T is still at an age where he is so portable that we can take him out for dinner in the buggy, join us on our wine tasting tours and has long enough daytime naps that we can have a swim and a glass of wine (almost baby free!)  Holidays abroad also mean that you don't get stuck at home doing the boring jobs you keep putting off and ensures Daddy H has lots of quality time with the little guy.

My top tips for a stress-free baby holiday in the first 6 months are:

- Go short-haul... even if your baby cries the entire time (which they tend not to as they like the white noise sounds of the plane) you can deal with anything for a couple of hours!

- Take your own buggy that they are familiar with (and a snooze shade!), so that you can take your baby with you out to dinner.

- Pick somewhere baby friendly/accommodating.  Although you don't have to go for a super baby friendly hotel at this age, going somewhere they have baby listening or baby sitters, so you can eat dinner at your hotel in peace is a godsend.

- Go with family.  We are on holiday with my mum and dad, and there is nothing like an extra pair of hands!

- Tag-team in and out with your other half, so in addition to family time, you get some time to tan, gym, sleep... all on your own! (the luxury!!!!)

- Pick somewhere familiar.  We are in Tuscany in the same area we have been to for the last couple of years and although we are staying in a different place, it has been stress-free as we already know some fantastic places to eat and places to go.

- Be prepared.  Pack all the milk, muslin, medicines etc. that you can manage and having everything you need with you at the hotel makes life much easier!

-Enjoy!  It may not be quite so chilled as when you went away before you had a baby, but the pictures of Little T enjoying all these new experiences abroad are wonderful.

Taking it all in...

Thursday, 4 June 2015

A salute to single mothers...

Just a quick post from me this week, as I have had very little time on my hands thanks to Daddy H being away at a residential work course... This means that I am all call for Little T morning, noon and night. Did I mention he's teething?! Interrupted sleep and Little T being solely reliable on me has been no picnic... then it made me think how so many women do this on their own every day!  I have already cried once, washed my hair only once and seen my friends and family so much that I have become a bit of a pest. 

Things that have got me through the week so far: 

- chocolate truffles;
- a new lippy;
- wine, wine and wine; 
- sunny weather; and
-planning my holiday next week! Wahoo! 

Thursday, 28 May 2015

*Helpful* pieces of advice/questions you get asked when you have a new baby:

I'm not one to normally rant, but sometimes it helps to share some daily trials and tribulations... Here are some of my least favourite questions/pieces of advice that get offered up by friends, family and more often than not, random members of the public when your baby is in the middle of a crying fit!

1. Sleep when they are sleeping.  Great in theory, but not so great in practice.  I don't have a switch in my brain which suddenly allows me to pass out and knowing I could shower, have a cup of coffee or watch something on Netflix is far more appealing.  Also, you do know that as soon as you do go to sleep or any of the aforementioned activities, they will inevitably wake up!

2. Are they sleeping through the night? This is a very dangerous question to ask a sleep deprived parent and if you haven't been told that their baby is sleeping through the night DO NOT ASK - no doubt it will get shouted from the rooftops when it does happen.  I particularly enjoyed being asked this question when Little T was about 6 weeks old and I was up every couple of hours...NOT!

3. Are you breastfeeding? A super personal question that I have now been asked by about 5 members of the public when Little T has been tearful when out and about... wayyyyyyyyyy too personal! None of your business!

4. Have you lost your baby weight? Again, until you see me parading around the streets of London in the skimpiest outfit going, let's go for NO.

5. Why are they crying?  If only we knew then we would make it stop! It's a never ending guessing game of tired, hungry, windy, teething etc etc fill in the gap!

6. Never wake a sleeping baby.  At night, no - I totally agree, but in the day when your baby decides that they want to sleep for 4 hours - yes I will wake them, as I want to sleep tonight... feel free to take my place between 12-6am!

7. We didn't do it like that in my day. The inevitable comment from your parents/in-laws who don't understand why you don't just rub brandy on the gums, let them sleep on their tummies and think that they should be weaning from the moment the second they can hold rusks... *deep breaths*

Can you tell I'm a little sleep deprived today?! Rant over! Have a good day 😀

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Shake shake shake, shake your little hands...

Well, I did promise that once I'd checked out some local baby classes that I found on , that I'd report back! 

Little T and I have become regulars at our local Movers & Shakers class (  This class is a 30 minute music and movement session made up of songs, bubbles, signing, puppets and a parachute... what more could you ask for?  30 minutes is a perfect amount of time to keep Little T engaged and he absolutely loves the wonderful Alana who leads our local sessions.  Approaching this class, I was a little nervous, as I'm not one of those super duper cheerful, all-singing and dancing mummies.  I thought Little T (only being 5 months old) might not get a lot out of this class yet, but as we all sat around cross-legged, with our babies sat or Little T loves to stand (supported of course), it was incredible to see this group of babies absolutely mesmerised by the cheerful songs and rhymes.  Now we have been to a few classes, you get used to the structure of the class and the trade mark songs 'shake shake shake, shake your little hands....' is on a constant loop in my head and it really calms Little T when I sing it to him at home. 

This fantastic class has become a weekly fixture in our diary and it is wonderful to see Little T so happy and engaged. Oh and did I mention that one of our local classes is held in a pub, which makes it fantastic for a quick glass of wine with my friends post-class! A win for both me and Little T!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Fast food...

Although I do quite enjoy making up Little T's baby purée from scratch, it can involve lots of pots and pans, time and clearing up.  Given that time is a very valuable commodity if you have a baby, I wanted to try out a quick and easy alternative to my homemade mush. 

I decided to try 'Kiddie Cubes', which you can by at Cook and Ocado. They are frozen cubes of baby food, which are made using organic, natural ingredients. Each bag of Kiddie Cubes (suitable from 4 months) contains 12 x 25g cubes of nutritional goodness. Individual cubes (or a few depending on how hungry your baby is) can be heated up in the microwave or on the hob in just 90 seconds. 

We tried the 'Really Rooty Veg' cubes made up of sweet potato, carrot and swede.

This is a combination of veg that I wouldn't have necessarily put together myself, but it something Little T really enjoyed! The puree has a really smooth texture, Little T liked the fact that it has been warmed and I liked that it was super easy and full of goodness! We will definitely be trying more of their wide selection of flavours in the near future for a fast food fix!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Finding time for fitness...

I was one of those people who didn't want to stop exercising during pregnancy. Although I had to give spinning a miss, I still did personal training, pilates and yoga every week right up until the end.  Having had a c-section, the required 6 week break from exercise was actually pretty killer for someone who exercises regularly, so I was raring to go to some classes, despite feeling pretty tired during the early days of having Little T! 

I am incredibly lucky as Daddy H gets home from work early enough for me to get to the gym in the evenings if I fancy it, but I went out looking for some daytime classes that I could take Little T with me to... 

The first class I went to was a 'Buggy Fit' class. Although I was little sceptical at first about the prospect of running around my local park like a crazy woman with Little T being thrown around the place, but I was pleasantly surprised by the class! It wasn't all running around with your buggy; it was more of a strenuous outdoor exercise class of squats, sprints and lunges, whilst Little T watched on in amusement. It wasn't for the faint-hearted and was actually pretty intense! 

I also go to a weekly pilates class with Little T. He is supposed to sleep through it whilst I glide into different positions and poses.... This has maybe happened once and more often that not he lays on the mat next to me with a toy, or our wonderful teacher carries the babies around in turn if they get a little fractious.
It's a really good opportunity to meet other mothers, who also enjoy exercise and take time for *ahem* relaxation...

I'd strongly recommend trying out some classes, as it's really great to try and get some 'me' time, during a long day with your little one!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Now I know that I have written one post on the importance of friends, particularly friends with babies of the same age. I really do think it's great to have someone to moan about teething, nappy changing and sleepless nights, as well as celebrate smiles, giggles and the countless cute things your baby does....

You know what else is great - having some girl time with your friends you had before you have a baby...  I don't know about your friends, but mine are pretty awesome. Although they ask about Little T, we also get back to talking about work, love lives and girly gossip. There is nothing like a glass of wine, laughing until your tummy hurts and catching up on the "real world" outside of nappy valley.  It also gives Daddy H some quality time with Little T and a taster of a day in the life of Mummy H! It is so easy to find excuses not to go (too tired/baby grumpy/feeling less than glamorous).. but I promise you that putting on some makeup, a nice outfit and gorgeous shoes, like these beauties really does give you a boost...

Prada - just wonderful wedges!

Yesterday we went to Bills in Islington for Champagne afternoon tea for a friend's birthday and it really was fab...

Birthday girl!

Don't get me wrong, being Mummy H is the best thing in the entire world... but it's  nice to have a gentle reminder that I'm still the same old Lucinda... So thank you friends - all of you - who I know are all reading this post... (that is something else that makes you all brilliant!) 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Little visitors...

Now that Little T has come along, when his baby friends come to play, I have lots to entertain them; bouncers, playmats and toys aplenty, but anyone over a year and I was pretty stumped... 

Wow, it's a whole different ball game trying to stop those lovely little hands grabbing all your nice trinkets, candles and everything else in site! My LSA glassware and Emma Bridgewater plates didn't stand a chance... 

I quickly realised that I needed a stash of easy entertainment and some plastic tableware... 

Ikea have great sets of plastic cups, plates, bowls and cutlery for under £1... 

Bubbles, bouncy balls and colouring pencils and my fancy knick knacks are safe...until Little T is 1 of course! 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Outfit of the week...

With the weather being so changeable at the moment, you can't go wrong with bright colours and lots of layers...

Little T looked adorable in bold red stripes and lion dungarees from Next... 

I went for a magenta pink shirt from Sandro, Paige jeans and some super cute Marc by Marc Jacob mini mice pumps... 

We hope you are enjoying the bank holiday weekend! 

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Troublesome Teething...

Rosy cheeks, chewing everything in sight (particularly their own fists), pools of dribble and spontaneous crying fits can only mean one thing - terrible teething. I'm sure not everyone thinks of it as terrible, as some babies glide through getting their teeth without so much as a tear - but not us. The normally cool, calm and collected Little T is a bundle of teething fury.

Our survival kit consists of:

The Neckerchew - this fabulous product is both a dribble bib and a teether to help soothe teething pain. It comes in a number of stylish prints and we have a dinosaur print and a print by Joules too. It's become a welcome addition to nearly every outfit of Little T's recently... 

Unfortunately, one teether is never enough... 

Sophie la girafe (of course) - this 'must have' teether is one of Little T's faves. Anyone would think she was his best friend. Great to chew on and better than his own fists!

Anbesol - this is a liquid form of pain relief that can be rubbed directly onto teething babies' gums and it seems to work for us short term... as well as calpol when things really won't settle down! 

A crazy number of cuddles and tears (from Little T, and occasionally me) is what teething has brought us, but thanks to the above, we are navigating our way through this slightly tricky time! 

Monday, 27 April 2015

What shall we do today?

Now Little T is soaking up his surroundings and is really interested in the world around him, I thought it was about time that we started going to some baby classes...

Where to start?! I've seen various adverts out and about for different groups, but there is almost so much choice in North London that I was almost overwhelmed with all the information and couldn't remember where and what time all the different classes were...

One of my Bump and Baby friends suggested I check out the website which is a daily guide to baby and toddler activities in London.  It's great, as all you have to do is type in your postcode and enter a date and it lists a timetable of groups and activities on in your area that day.  Once you see an activity you like the look of, the website provides handy information such as cost, if they recommend booking and a map of where to go - it really couldn't be simpler.

Having all this information in one place has been really useful and provides me and Little T with lots of exciting ideas for what to do next! I will let you all know once we have tried out a few of the activities!

Ollyolly currently covers most of North London and is slowly creeping into other London boroughs - check them out for your next dose of fun with your little one!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Making friends...

It sounds crazy to think that as an adult you need help making friends.  You have already chosen and whittled down your friendship group as the years have gone by so you are happy with the friends that you have, thank you very much!

However, when I found myself pregnant and realised that none of my existing friends were, I thought I'd better fix that pronto!  A large number of women join a group called 'NCT' (The National Childbirth Trust) and the idea being that when you are pregnant you meet people having babies at the same time as you and you attend some classes to figure out what happens when you give birth and beyond...  Although I do not have vast experience with NCT,  the experience I did have gave me the impression that doing everything naturally was best and shame on you for doing anything different. Maybe I'm wrong and this isn't what NCT project at all, but having a planned c-section in the diary, we didn't seem a great fit.  I did a bit of online research and came across Bump & Baby Club (, who run London antenatal classes and are the number one alternative to NCT.  I was interested in this class as they claimed to not preach, take a modern approach to teaching and you could go no matter what birth you planned on having.

Daddy H and I booked onto a course with other expectant parents having babies in November and December in our local area. The course consisted of two Saturdays (including first aid training) and an afternoon tea and reunion at a later date.  The course itself offered a great opportunity to ask silly questions, learn about first aid and feel more confident about becoming a parent.  This was all great, but I have nieces and nephews and I didn't learn loads of new stuff, but that was never the point.  My group set up a whatsapp thread and as the days went by and the babies started arriving, it was filled night and day with chatter, questions and arranging plans to meet up!  I still see my Bump and Baby friends a few times a week, we whatsapp daily, the mums meet up for dinner regularly and we are even going for a night away with our babies!  Don't get me wrong, my pre-baby friends are totally awesome and still a massive part of my life, but with them at work all week and probably less that interested in how many nappy changes I've done, or how much milk Little T has drunk, Bump & Baby has been a lifesaver!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Sit up straight!

Now Little T is a bit more sturdy and can support his head, we are starting to help him start sitting up straight! As he's not quite ready to sit up on his own in a high chair, we thought we would try the 'Bumbo'... 

It's a seat (suitable from 3 months), which moulds around the baby's body to help them sit up straight and not climb out.  Some versions of the Bumbo come with straps and trays, which are useful for placing my toys on or when feeding! 

The Bumbo has been a popular choice with Little T...

It retails for around £30, but we were able to pick one up cheaply second hand. I've already found it super helpful at meal times, but do think it will only last a month or so, as it moulds to a baby's body it is made pretty tight and could get small very quickly! Our Little T is a slim jim,  so I hope it will last another month or two. 

I would recommend it, as Little T seems to really enjoy sitting, but even better if you can pick it up second hand! 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Little T's first taste of food... part two...

With my Annabel Karmel book in hand, I was excited to try some simple fresh fruit and vegetable purees for Little T.  I decided to start with both carrots and pear, so that Little T could get used to two new flavours.     


 For stage one weaning, it's handy to have:
- a steamer;
- a food processor/hand blender- I bought an inexpensive small food processor so that it wouldn't be too much hassle to clean regularly;
- plastic (bpa free) pots to store batches of puree in the fridge or freezer.  I went for some from Jojo Maman bebe (see link), which come with handy labels;
-  bowls and spoons - I bought some very clever 'heat sensing' tommee tippee spoons, which change colour if the food is too hot;
- plenty of bibs

Little T isn't yet in his highchair, so we are feeding him in our arms or sat upright in his bouncer.

I separately steamed carrots and pears, ensuring there was no carrot peel or skin/core in the pear until they were soft.  I used my mini food processor to create a smooth puree.  If the puree is still too thick, you can add water or formula/breast milk when feeding your baby.  Alternatively, you can also add baby rice to any puree to thicken it up.
 I made a handy batch of fresh purees, which I labelled and put in the freezer.  As the pear had been freshly steamed, you can see above that the heat sensing spoon picked up that it was too hot at first!

We offered Little T a spoon or two of pear and although he looked surprised, he swallowed and appeared to enjoy his first experience of fruit!

We also offered Little T a drink of cool boiled water in a sippy cup, which although he liked holding, did not get drunk!

It's really important to be positive and encouraging when your baby is trying new things and they can 
sense if you are calm or tense.  If Little T wasn't interested in food, I would wait a day or two before trying again.  As his main diet is still made up of milk, it's great that he can take his time trying new flavours... now... what to make next?!

Friday, 17 April 2015

Little T's first taste of food... part 1...

Now Little T is over 17 weeks old, he is able to have some actual food! I know, I can't believe it either...

Official guidance advises that you wean babies around 6 months old, and although T is a little early to be eating, he has been showing lots of the signs that he is ready for food.

We bought him a special Peter Rabbit bowl and spoon for the occasion and some organic baby rice from Boots.

We mixed a couple of spoons of baby rice together with some formula milk to give Little T to try...

We sat Little T on Daddy H's knee... half a spoonful later and although he didn't look too impressed, it went pretty well!

Baby rice seems pretty bland, so we are hoping to move onto pureed vegetables in the next few days.  We have got lots of handy tips and recipes from Annabel Karmel's 'New Complete Baby & Toddler Meal Planner'.

Part 2 will focus on the 'must buys' for weaning and some handy tips on encouraging good eating habits at baby meal times.

Let's hope Little T looks a little more impressed with his next meal than he does below at his first try!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Let me entertain you...

Now Little T is four months old, he is definitely starting to get more engaged with his toys and surroundings. To keep him entertained and allow me to get on with some day-to-day activities, the following three items have been lifesavers:

The playmat: Although this is something I can't imagine us using much past Little T is six months old,  his Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Activity Gym is not only nicer to look at than your average baby accessory, but has adorable animals that rattle and play music that have become Little T's friends.  We put Little T on the mat from when he was very little and although he would just stare blankly at the hanging toys, he can now grab and play with them. The mat is great for tummy time and as we have used it since Little T was a newborn, he is happy to be left to play for short periods, whilst I get on with some household jobs.

The bouncer: Although this is another product which I'm sure has a limited life span, Little T really enjoys going in his Fisher Price bouncer.  I think that babies, particularly as they get a little bigger, really enjoy being able to sit up and see what's going on and what you are getting up to.  As I can strap Little T into the bouncer, I know that he is safe if I need to turn my back for a moment!

The playnest: As Little T is getting a bit older, it's great to have another place for him to safely play and this Galt Farm Playnest does the job perfectly.  As it is an inflatable ring, it is super comfy for Little T and easy to store once deflated.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Outfit of the week...

It feels as if summer is almost upon us, but while there is still a slight chill in the air, I dressed little T in trousers and a light cotton jumper from the White Company.

Top & trousers (White Company), socks (Trumpette)

For our family weekend fun, I opted for a staple uniform of Converse, J Brand khakis and a sheer white top from Hobbs.  I completed my look with rose gold jewellery and a classic red lip.

Roll on summer!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Easter egg banana bread...

If, like me, you have a left over easter egg or two, this recipe is a great, healthy(ish) and delicious way to make the most of your leftovers!


250g wholemeal flour
3 eggs
4 overripe bananas (mashed)
4 tbsp agave syrup
180g low fat natural yoghurt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 left over easter egg

Step One
Turn your oven to 180 degrees (fan) and grease and line a loaf tin.
For this recipe, I greased my tin with a low calorie oil spray.

Step Two
Mix together the flour, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder in a large bowl.

Step Three
In a separate bowl, mix together the mashed bananas, agave syrup, eggs and yoghurt.

Step Four
Carefully fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, taking care not to beat all the air out of the mixture.

Step Five
Break up your easter egg into bitesize chocolate chunks and gently fold the chocolate into the mixture.

Step Six
Pour the mixture into your lined loaf tin and bake for 1 hour.

Step Seven
Leave to cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

