Sunday, 10 May 2015

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Now I know that I have written one post on the importance of friends, particularly friends with babies of the same age. I really do think it's great to have someone to moan about teething, nappy changing and sleepless nights, as well as celebrate smiles, giggles and the countless cute things your baby does....

You know what else is great - having some girl time with your friends you had before you have a baby...  I don't know about your friends, but mine are pretty awesome. Although they ask about Little T, we also get back to talking about work, love lives and girly gossip. There is nothing like a glass of wine, laughing until your tummy hurts and catching up on the "real world" outside of nappy valley.  It also gives Daddy H some quality time with Little T and a taster of a day in the life of Mummy H! It is so easy to find excuses not to go (too tired/baby grumpy/feeling less than glamorous).. but I promise you that putting on some makeup, a nice outfit and gorgeous shoes, like these beauties really does give you a boost...

Prada - just wonderful wedges!

Yesterday we went to Bills in Islington for Champagne afternoon tea for a friend's birthday and it really was fab...

Birthday girl!

Don't get me wrong, being Mummy H is the best thing in the entire world... but it's  nice to have a gentle reminder that I'm still the same old Lucinda... So thank you friends - all of you - who I know are all reading this post... (that is something else that makes you all brilliant!) 

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