Sunday, 21 June 2015

Father's Day Guest Blog from Daddy H...

Hello all! I am Daddy H and can I start by saying what an honour it is to be That’s My Mummy’s first guest blogger just in time for Father's Day!

I’ve spent a couple of days wondering about what I should write about. There appears to be a plethora of “daddy blogs” that have sprung up over recent years, and to be honest, I hadn’t really heard of any of them. It still seems as though the role of being a dad (despite having change dramatically) still remains shrouded in mystery. So I sat down and read through a couple of those which have received widespread acclaim, including one by Tom of “Diary of the Dad” ( It was great to see that Tom, along with most other new dads, had shared several of the same experiences as me – a relief to think I’m not doing anything particularly wrong!

So, now I have a little more confidence in my ability as having “successfully” negotiated the first six months of fatherhood (mainly due to the exceptional work of Mummy H), I settled upon celebrating reaching this milestone and all the good things that have gone on. 

Little T’s Achievements

The little guy has had so many (as one might expect when pretty much everything is new!) that I won’t list them here. Many of the activities would no doubt be mundane to most passers-by, but to a new parent they are like scaling Everest or locating the lost city of Atlantis (e.g. the first sleep through the night)! However, some of the most heart-warming have included seeing Little T smile for the first time, and laugh for the first time at ridiculously silly noises we make to try and keep him entertained. The older he has got (seems ridiculous given he is only 6 months) the more frequent these moments have been, and as we enter the second half the year it seems so much more is still to come - he has just learnt how to roll which has required the camera being kept out constantly!

Mummy and Daddy

Although becoming a parent is a massive game-changer, it’s not “the end of the world” as some might have you believe. Mummy H and I have actively tried to ensure that we keep time for ourselves, to do things that we did before Little T was on the scene. Some of these he has been able to attend, such as dinners out or weekend trips away, while other times we have been lucky enough to have the support of friends and family to do the occasional bit of babysitting! Having Little T has confirmed to me just how lucky I am to have Mummy H, while also making me proud to see our own small family unit flourish - it really is difficult to think of a time before Little T (until we an old holiday picture crops up on Facebook with two drinks in hand)!


While it can will initially it can lead you to feeling tried and exhausted, leaving very little enthusiasm for seeing friends/visitors, never underestimate what seeing a familiar face can have. We have been lucky enough to have a constant stream of people offering to help and support us, which has been invaluable. It has actually brought most of our friends closer to us, despite some concerns it might do the opposite (who wants to hang out with a crying baby??). For me it has cemented some friendships which I hope will now last a lifetime - and some of these have only recently come about as a result of having Little T. Attending a pre-natal course (with some like-minded people) presented the chance to get to know fellow first time dads in the area, and while our communication is not as frequent nor as entertaining as the mums’ (who still see each other almost every day) it is still another network that you always feel you could ask if you need some advice (or a escapist pint). 

What’s next?

Overall, the journey so far has been incredible. Being a dad is one of, if not, the most important job of your life.  Something incredible happens the moment you first hold your baby. All reservations and hesitations you may have felt about this life changing moment simply fall away. You know, in that moment, that your life has changed, but for the better and in a way you did not think possible. I can't wait for the adventure to continue!

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