I'm not one to normally rant, but sometimes it helps to share some daily trials and tribulations... Here are some of my least favourite questions/pieces of advice that get offered up by friends, family and more often than not, random members of the public when your baby is in the middle of a crying fit!
1. Sleep when they are sleeping. Great in theory, but not so great in practice. I don't have a switch in my brain which suddenly allows me to pass out and knowing I could shower, have a cup of coffee or watch something on Netflix is far more appealing. Also, you do know that as soon as you do go to sleep or any of the aforementioned activities, they will inevitably wake up!
2. Are they sleeping through the night? This is a very dangerous question to ask a sleep deprived parent and if you haven't been told that their baby is sleeping through the night DO NOT ASK - no doubt it will get shouted from the rooftops when it does happen. I particularly enjoyed being asked this question when Little T was about 6 weeks old and I was up every couple of hours...NOT!
3. Are you breastfeeding? A super personal question that I have now been asked by about 5 members of the public when Little T has been tearful when out and about... wayyyyyyyyyy too personal! None of your business!
4. Have you lost your baby weight? Again, until you see me parading around the streets of London in the skimpiest outfit going, let's go for NO.
5. Why are they crying? If only we knew then we would make it stop! It's a never ending guessing game of tired, hungry, windy, teething etc etc fill in the gap!
6. Never wake a sleeping baby. At night, no - I totally agree, but in the day when your baby decides that they want to sleep for 4 hours - yes I will wake them, as I want to sleep tonight... feel free to take my place between 12-6am!
7. We didn't do it like that in my day. The inevitable comment from your parents/in-laws who don't understand why you don't just rub brandy on the gums, let them sleep on their tummies and think that they should be weaning from the moment the second they can hold rusks... *deep breaths*
Can you tell I'm a little sleep deprived today?! Rant over! Have a good day 😀