Friday, 24 July 2015

On a roll...

Sorry it's been a little while, but it has all been getting very exciting/busy getting my new business venture Nurturing Mums back up and running!  Suffice to say that I have been on a roll, but so has Little T!  The little man has been roly-polying left, right and centre. At first, I thought 'Oh my goodness - this is awesome', but I soon realised that your little one being on the move makes things all the more tricky.
At first, Little T was like a turtle on the wrong side of his shell who couldn't roll back...  'Wah, wah, wah' he wailed, until I would go and roll him onto his back again!
He soon realised that rolling was super fun.  So fun, that he could roll a couple of times in one direction, especially when in his cot.  This meant he got wedged in the bars, face planted regularly and woke up LOTS in the night to have a rolling rave.  We kept finding him having done a 180' in order to play with his toys... far more entertaining than sleeping obviously!

At first I thought, 'what a clever chap!', but then night after night of his adventures were causing him to wake himself up and cry with frustration!  After what felt like an eternity *5 nights* of broken sleep, Daddy H and I went in search of a solution...

I think we were hopeful he would just stop doing it!  We spoke to friends and heard about the 'Sleepyhead' -->

It's a comfy pod that has sides that should prevent your baby being able to roll about too much and keeps them nice and snug.  It has rave reviews and friends who have it love it. Daddy H wasn't a fan of the price tag, but I was getting pretty desperate for full night's sleep...  Before he let me hit 'Buy' online in desperation at 4am one night, we decided to give a cheaper alternative a go.  We put rolled up towels in a similar curved shape to the Sleepyhead under Little T's sheets and couldn't believe it when it worked - he was cocooned in and started sleeping through again - hip hip hooray!

Have you found anything else helpful to get your little one to stop moving so much in their sleep?

Friday, 3 July 2015

A new adventure...

Sorry it's all been a bit quiet on the blog front of late... I've been busy behind the scenes planning my next adventure. And no... I don't mean another holiday... Although I am writing this from the Sourh of France...

When I was pregnant with Little T, I got loads of antenatal advice, but now he's here, I'm forever reading books, googling and chatting to friends about what I should or should not be doing as a new mum. Problem is, my friends are all new mums too and in truth, what works for one baby may well not work for Little T, who is quite a particular chap!  What I needed was someone with experience and expertise on how to get him to nap in the day, eat more solid food and explain what milestones are next.  This got me thinking that maybe I'm not the only one who is clueless and that attending some postnatal classes might be the answer! I went one step further and decided to buy a postnatal business - Nurturing Mums ( 

Nurturing Mums courses are for mums with babies up to 9 months, where new mums can come and meet other mums and learn from experts on sleep training, weaning, first aid and baby development. The courses run for 5 weeks and start in North London in September.
They are relaxed and non-judgemental and give new mums an opportunity to get answers from experts about issues affecting their baby.

I'll keep you updated on this exciting new venture and if you know anyone due or with a new baby, get them to check out Nurturing Mums - my newest baby (sorry Little T)!